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VCHughes Consulting

Burnout in the Workplace: Navigating the Holiday Hustle

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

As the year-end festivities begin, there's an undeniable buzz of excitement that fills the air. But it's also a critical time to acknowledge a less festive reality that can impact our team members: workplace burnout. With a significant 23% of employees experiencing burnout regularly, as reported by Gallup, the added pressures of the holiday season can often amplify this issue.

Burnout isn’t just about working long hours. It's a chronic state of physical and emotional exhaustion, often accompanied by feelings of detachment from work. When left unchecked, it can severely impact productivity, mental health, and job satisfaction. With the holidays approaching, many businesses and organizations may have year-end goals during the festive season, which can sometimes lead to increased workloads.

Check out a few recommendations we've put together to help manage the holiday burnout in your workplace


Flexible Scheduling and Remote Work Options:

Implement flexible working hours to accommodate the increased personal obligations that come with the holiday season. This could include letting employees choose their work hours or work from home on certain days, which can significantly reduce stress associated with balancing work and personal life.

Encourage Time Off and Manage Workloads:

Actively encourage employees to use their remaining vacation days and ensure that taking time off is normalized and not seen as a lack of commitment. Also, encourage employees to manage workloads by planning ahead and avoiding the assignment of large projects or major deadlines during the holiday season.

Provide Mental Health and Wellness Support:

Organized stress management workshops or activities such as meditation sessions, yoga classes, or 'wellness challenges' can promote a culture of health and well-being during the high-stress holiday period. Also, enhance the visibility and accessibility of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that offer confidential counseling services.

Adding scheduling flexibility, encouraging rest, and supporting mental health, gives you the opportunity to create a supportive environment that recognizes and proactively manages the pressures of the holiday season. By acknowledging the unique challenges of this period and implementing supportive measures, businesses can ensure a refreshed and recharged team ready to face the new year.

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